APM 2009
APM – Held in the Gospel Ash Methodist Church Room.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on Wednesday 15 April 2009 at Gospel Ash Methodist Church room at 7.00pm
Present: Councillor T Rees (Chairman)
County Councillor B Edwards
District Councillor R McCardle
Councillors: Snelson, Kimbley, Mrs. J Tudor and Mrs. J Humphries
Victoria Morris (Clerk to the Council)
- Apologies:
Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of Cllr. Mrs. L Jones
- Declarations of Interest:
- Minutes:
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting had previously been approved and signed.
- Chiarman’s Report
To be deferred until the Annual General Meeting.
- Corbett School Report
Cllr. Snelson reported that a planning application for a classroom extension had been submitted and approved by the District Council. The current layout of the school is under review to provide additional facilities for staff. They already have some funds to implement any changes. There have been no changes in staff. The number of pupils has fallen slightly. The nursery is settling in well and numbers are increasing. Overall the school has had a good year.
- Village Hall Report
Cllr. Mrs. Tudor reported that bookings had increased compared to the previous year. The school continues to regularly use the hall, their support is appreciated. This year has also seen South Staffordshire Council hiring the facilities several times. The Committee is currently considering internal decoration, as a result of natural wear and tear. The committee was saddened by the death of their chairperson, Mrs. Dawn Kellett.
- Holy Cross Church
Cllr. Mrs. Humphries read a report to those present, a copy of which is attached. Headstones in the graveyard were discussed.
- Any Other Business
There was none.
Date of Next Annual Paris Meeting arranged for 21 April 2010