APM 2013
APM – Held in the Corbett School.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on Wednesday 8 May 2013 at Corbett Primary School at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Councillor T Rees (Chairman)
Councillors: W Snelson, D Kimbley, Mrs. J Tudor, Mrs. J Humphries, Mrs. L Jones and S Homer.
Victoria Morris (Clerk to the Council)
Alan Robins
- Apologies:
Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of County Councillor B Edwards and District Councillor R McCardle.
- Declarations of Interest:
- Minutes:
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting had previously been approved and signed.
- Chairman’s Report
Report attached
- Corbett School Report
Report attached.
- Village Hall Report
Report attached.
- Holy Cross Church
Report attached.
- Tree Warden Report
Report attached
- Any Other Business
There was no other business
- Presentation of the 2012-13 Civic Award
The Chairman welcomed Alan Robins and gave a brief summary of his work around and dedication to the village. A certificate and wine were presented. Alan thanked the Chairman and Councillors.
Date of Next Annual Parish Meeting arranged for 16 April 2014.