APM 2014
APM – Held in the Bobbington village hall.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on Wednesday 21 May 2014 at Bobbington Village Hall at 7.00pm
Present: Councillor D Kimbley (Chairman)
County Councillor B Edwards
Councillors: W Snelson, Mrs. J Tudor, Mrs. J Humphries and Mrs. L Jones
Victoria Morris (Clerk to the Council)
- Apologies:
Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of Cllr. T Rees, Cllr. S Homer and District Cllr. R McCardle.
- Declarations of Interest:
- 951. Minutes:
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting had previously been approved and signed.
- Chairman’s Report
Report attached
- Corbett School Report
The school is currently going through a period of change. Two members of staff will be leaving at the end of the Summer Term, however, this is being viewed positively with new avenues opening. The Head and Governors are looking to select the right people to take the school forward.
The Parents’ Association have donated a climbing frame which is to be erected at the rear of the school to permit easy access and supervision.
Unfortunately, they have been the subject of a couple of diesel thefts during the year. It is understood that that the fuel has been syphoned off by hand and removed from the site in 5 gallon drums.
- Village Hall Report
Report attached.
- Holy Cross Church
Report attached.
- Tree Warden Report
Report attached
- Any Other Business
There was no other business
Date of Next Annual Parish Meeting arranged for 20 May 2015.