APM 2016
APM – Held in the Bobbington village hall.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on Wednesday 18 May 2016 at Bobbington Village Hall at 7.00pm
Present: Councillor Mrs. J Humphries (Chairman)
Councillors: W Snelson, Mrs. L Jones, Mrs. I Rees, Mrs. J Stanton, M Snelson.
Victoria Morris (Clerk to the Council)
- Apologies:
Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of Cllr. R Lewis and County Councillor B Edwards
- Declarations of Interest:
- 1214. Minutes:
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting had previously been approved and signed.
- Chairman’s Report
Report attached
- Corbett School Report
Cllr. W Snelson was pleased to report that Mrs. Southall, had been given a clean bill of health from her hospital consultant, following her period of ill health during the year. It was agreed by all that this was fantastic news.
Unfortunately, Mrs Ann Kimbley has resigned from the board of Governors following approx. 25 years service. Cllr. W Snelson commended her on her achievement of keeping within budget since been given the finance responsibilities. She will be joining the board of Governors at a local school following her departure from the village last year.
There have been several changes of staff during the year, however, the new teachers have settled in well with minimal disruption.
Following their outstanding Ofsted report in 2014, the school achieved an outstanding SIAMs report in 2015.
Cllr W Snelson congratulated the board of Governors for their hard work. It was noted they were a hard working team with individual strengths and all very committed to the school.
As Councillors will be aware there are currently problems with the school field and drainage of water. Mrs Southall and representatives of the school are working with Cllr. M Snelson to identify possible solutions, however, a reasonably priced solution is proving difficult to find.
- Village Hall Report
Adjourned to the June 2016 Parish Council meeting.
- Holy Cross Church
Report attached.
- Tree Warden Report
Cllr M Snelson reported that the main issue during the year was the disappointment expressed from members of the Parish and indeed the Parish Council, as a result of the frustration in resolving issues / problems. What should be simple decisions to improve the Parish and well-being of its Parishioners are proving to be a problem, it appears that relevant bodies don’t have the relevant decision making authority and are unable take responsibility.
Cllr. M Snelson was pleased to report that some trees within Brantley Lane had now been trimmed, however, the tree in Mrs. James’ garden remained untouched, as did that on Ms. Haughtey’s property. It was agreed that it seemed unreasonable to expect an elderly tenant of a Housing Association property to make their own arrangements with respect to the tree. The Oak tree on Brantley Lane has been the topic of much discussion, with the Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP now involved.
The Parish Council were successful in their work to obtain TPO’s over the trees on the former Royal Oak Public House car park. These were granted by Shropshire County Council during the year.
A tree deemed to be dangerous, following a lightning strike a number of years ago, along Tom Lane was successfully removed during the year, whilst Tom Lane was closed for carriageway works.
- Any Other Business
There was no other business
Date of Next Annual Parish Meeting arranged for 17 May 2017.