APM 2017
APM – Held in the Bobbington village hall.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on Wednesday 10 May 2017 at Bobbington Village Hall at 7.30pm
Present: Councillor Mrs. J Humphries (Chairman)
Councillors: W Snelson, Mrs. L Jones, Mrs. I Rees, Mrs. J Stanton, M Snelson, R Lewis
Lesley Birch – Housing Plus
Simon Proctor and Mark MacKenzie-Charrington – landowner’s representatives
Member of the public as per the attached sign in sheet
Victoria Morris (Clerk to the Council)
- Apologies:
Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of District Councillor R McCardle.
- Declarations of interest:
- 1374. Minutes:
The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting had previously been approved and signed.
- Chairmans’ Report
Report attached.
- Corbett School Report
Report attached.
- Village Hall Report
Report attached.
- Holy Cross Church
Report attached.
- Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport Report
Report attached
- Tree Warden Report
Report attached.
- Community Speed Watch Report
Report attached
- Affordable Housing Update and Discussion
The Chairman introduced and welcomed Lesley Birch (Housing Plus), Simon Proctor (Chartered Surveyor acting for the land owner) and Mark MacKenzie Charrington (Trustee of Trust owning site 6), she then passed over to Cllr. Mrs Jones who reminded those present how the project was initiated and the process followed so far. The current position was then summarised including the Council’s reasons for choosing site 6. Many of those present had already viewed the plans and sketches available at the meeting and were now aware of the 3 market value homes in addition to the 5 affordable houses. It was explained that these houses were included to make the project financially viable / to facilitate the project. Whilst this was not originally anticipated, it was currently the only way the landowner would release the land. The Councillors believed, after much deliberation, that the development looked better as part of scheme and the proposed design was sympathetic to the village.
Lesley Birch was then invited to explain the procedure, findings so far and an explanation as to whom the affordable houses would go to.
Following which, several discussions were entered into as a result of comments made by members of the public present, these centred around:-
- Is there a need for affordable housing, there is no development in the local plan for Bobbington
- Anger and annoyance that all along parishioners were told only these 5 affordable properties would be built – yet now there are 3 market value houses
- Accusations of bribery / being held ransom to enable the land owner to make a profit.
- Concerns the 3 market value properties were too high a price to pay for the land
- Issues with the other sites identified
- What would happen if there were insufficient “connected” people.
- Would there be any added benefit to the Parish from the developer e.g. a playground
- The school is already at full capacity, this will make it worse.
- Timescales
Simon Proctor was asked to explain their position and the plans in further detail. There was little opportunity to hear this out due to questions from the public, however, he did respond to some of the earlier questions and concerns as detailed above.
Further questions were raised and discussions held e.g. concerns over construction traffic, car parking available per property, planning application submission, similar schemes in other areas.
Finally, Mark MacKenzie Charrington spoke on his role as trustee of the landowner trust, his knowledge of the area.
Although the public were in favour of the affordable housing, the addition of the market value houses has not been well received initially.
All were thanked for attending and giving up their time.
- Any Other Business
There was no other business
Date of Next Annual Parish Meeting arranged for 16 May 2018.
The meeting was closed.