AGM 2009
AGM – Held in the Gospel Ash Methodist Church room.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on Wednesday 20 May 2009 at 7pm in the Gospel Ash Methodist Church Room.
Present: Councillors: T Rees, D Kimbley, Mrs. J Tudor, W J Snelson, Mrs. J Humphries and District
Councillor R Mccardle
Victoria Morris – Clerk to the Council
291 Apologies
Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of County Cllr. B Edwards and Cllr. Mrs. Jones
292 Declarations of Interest
Councillor Snelson declared an interest in 297- Citizen of the year.
293 Election of Chairman
Councillor Rees was proposed by Cllr. Kimbley and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Humphries. There being no further nominations Councillor Rees was re-elected.
294 Minutes:
RESOLVED that the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of Bobbington Parish Council held on 21 May 2008, a copy having previously been circulated to each member of the Council, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
295 Election of Officers
- Vice – Chairman
Cllr. Kimbley was proposed by Cllr. Rees and seconded by Cllr. Snelson.
- Cheque Signatories
Agreed to remain as Cllr. Snelson, Cllr. Kimbley and Cllr. Mrs. Tudor.
- Wolverhampton Business Airport Consultative Committee
Cllr. Kimbley agreed to continue.
- Village Hall Committee
Cllr. Kimbley proposed Cllr. Mrs. Tudor, this was seconded by Cllr. Snelson.
- Corbett School
It was proposed and seconded that Karin Hampton be asked to continue – Clerk to make contact following meeting.
- Trustee of the Fanny Wright Gatacre Charity
Cllr. Snelson agreed to continue
- Responsible Financial Officer
Clerk agreed to continue
- Internal Auditor
Bill Hayhurst was nominated to continue. Clerk to make contact.
- Tree Warden
Cllr. Kimbley proposed Cllr. Mrs. Humphries, this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs Tudor.
- Health Authority Representative
Cllr. Rees agreed to continue.
- Police Authority Representative
Cllr. Snelson agreed to continue.
- Enville Trust
Cllr. Snelson agreed to continue.
296 Chairman’s report:
The Chairman’s report was read out by the Chairman. A copy of which is filed in the Minute Book.
297 Citizen of the year
Cllr. Snelson nominated the Head and all those associated with the running of the school. There were no other nominations. The proposal was accepted. The clerk was asked to write and arrange a time when the presentation could be made in front of the children.
298 Date of next Annual General Meeting arranged for 19 May 2010.
Meeting closed at 7.40pm.